It has been a while since I last posted something on this blog, which means that I did not ride my XP very much lately. Not that I did not want to, but mainly because of the wet winter we've had so far. As you know I do not like to ride my XP (or any bike that is, with the exception of my velomobile) in the rain or when it's wet. Total milage on my XP is 4.860 so far, which implicates that I only rode 1,755 miles on it this year. Not much at all, but this year I added another bike to my stable (the Z Pro) and I also rode that one. Oh well, anyway, I still like the XP very much and appearantly so do others. This year I had two people coming over to test ride my XP and were so impressed by it that they ordered their own XP. At the end of this week, a third person is coming over to do the same and he's also considering ordering an XP for himself. I think it's time that I ask RANS BIKES for some kind of commission ;-) !
A couple of days ago I read another terrifying news : R.C.N. has closed down !!! I could hardly believe it when I read the article ! Unbelievable ! It is a very sad thing for the recumbent community that Bob Bryant no longer publishes his magazine .... I've been a subsciber since the first time I knew about his publication. It was R.C.N. that got me convinced to buy my first Stratus all the way back in 1999, since there was no possibillity to testride a RANS bike over here in Europe. A very sad loss indeed .... Let's hope he'll be able to continue his work online or in any other kind of form !
For all you other bent riders out there : many happy and safe miles for all of you in 2008 !
Still my favorite LWB !