Today promised to be the most pleasant day of the week, with mild spring temperatures, perfect to make a tour. As it happened to be, the department of the provence of Limburg of the Gentse Liggers ( a Flemish discussion group for recumbents) organised a tour. Starting place was Tessenderlo, roughly only around 30 miles from home. Ideal to get there by XP, ride the tour and get back. So I left early this morning, took a bit of a detour by using the towing path to get there and arrived around 9.45 a.m. at the starting place. There, the riders were welcomed with fresh coffee, tea and croissoints, which was a nice way to meet some new faces and see some old friends again. 12 riders including myself showed up for the tour. The route we followed is called the 3 Provinciën Pad, because it goes through 3 different provinces. The nice thing of this route is that you actually ride through different landscapes, one of the provinces is a bit hilly, which is a nice change from the flat landscapes around where I live.
Around noon we made a lunch stop at a taverne and halfway the afternoon we made a second drink stop at a nice café.
Around noon we made a lunch stop at a taverne and halfway the afternoon we made a second drink stop at a nice café.

We finished the tour around 3.45 p.m., which gave me plenty of time to ride back home. Got home around 6.45 p.m. with 105 miles on my bicycle computer, enough for this old lad to spend the rest of the evening on the couch. All in all a nice way to spend a Sunday, if you ask me ;-)
A few more pictures can be found here
Somewhere along the route ....