Monday, September 11, 2006

Indian Summer ....

The weather improved a lot in the last two weeks, it seems that summer's back again. Not that I mind though, au contraire !
I'm still using the XP for commuting, since my velomobile is not ready yet (still waiting for a new paint job, hopefully this week !). Compared to my velomobile the XP is slower, but since my route to work has changed and improved recently, I do not mind at all. I can now ride near the canal to work on the towpath for almost the complete route, which means no cars or other motorized traffic on my way. It is about 1,8 miles shorter one way compared with what I used to ride everyday, but the silence and the peace near the canal is pure luxury ! Especially when riding to or coming from work at sunrise or sunset has something magical sometimes, whith the mist just above the water and only the sound of birds .... Makes me realize how lucky I am to be living on this side of the planet, where I can just take my bike and ride wherever I want to, with no worries or troubles at all ....
The picture below was taken a couple of days ago, I think it's some kind of fungus, growing on the ground near the towpath. Around 2150 miles so far.