Sunday, October 28, 2007

No news, good news ....

It's been a while, but I'm still here ;-). Lately I've been riding only my Z Pro and my velomobile (mostly commuting), but today I felt like taking the XP for a ride again. Today was pretty windy but with mild temperatures and the weather forecast predicted a period of rain starting tonight. I took a 40 mile ride, mostly on the towpath near the canal. Though most of my rides are near the canal, I've never seen so many pedestrians on the towpath as today. On any Sunday, the towpath is crowded with bicyclists, but not today. Strange ....
I really enjoyed being on the XP again, it still remains my most favorite bike to ride after a night shift. After a night shift at work, speed is absolutely of no interest to me, but comfort is. It doesn't get any better than on the XP's seat, that's for sure ! has a story about a woman who made a bike trip on her XP in Alaska with plenty of pictures. I really enjoyed reading it, you can read it here (look for ACA's Denali Adventure 2007, since there's no direct link).
Though I'm still pretty satisfied with my XP's set-up, I'm considering adding an extra chainwheel in front. It's not that I'm short of gears for most of my rides, but I want to be able to ride my XP everywhere. Well, for the winter that is coming, it'll do just fine. Maybe next Spring ...

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